Proactol LTD

5 strategies for losing weight

For your diet, there are five simple strategies that you can easily apply to lose weight or not to regain weight after a strenuous slimming diet.

The strategies for losing weight is so simple that anyone can apply and obtain excellent results.
It 'very important that you be consistent in following these strategies, otherwise the weight loss will be very difficult to achieve.

Here are 5 strategies:

1 - well, on this six certainly agree with me: writing certainly helps to clarify ideas and to focus the issues. So why not write everything you eat?
This helps it to control your feelings related to the consumption of food and you realize when Sgarro from the diet that you are required to follow.

2 - To me it's happened lots of times, see a snack and not resist the temptation to taste. The trick is to wait half a minute before you grab a snack or before opening the refrigerator or before you leap on the second slice of cake.

The 30 seconds before eating riflessone are very important because very often you will change your mind on your desire to eat. So you'll find that very often it is just greed and not hungry.

3 - When you eat you have to get up from the table without being fully sated. Virtually all you need to eat up 'about 80% of your ability.
This is because the feeling of satiety comes only after some time compared to the chewing that takes place in the mouth.

4 - If you watch TV while you eat then this rule will be difficult to follow. Why you should eat without distracting, trying to concentrate on your pesto.
If you eat more distracting because it does not receive the necessary attention of the meal, especially if you are surrounded by excessive amounts of snacks.

5 - But, before all things, you must pay attention to food costs, you buy healthy foods and avoid snacks that fill the stomach without making major nutrients but many more calories than are needed.

I hope to be of state aid.
Proactol LTD