Losing weight: How fast?
Many diets provide a lot of losing weight fast. Unable to shoot the "7 kg in 7 days", actually there are many real cases quite striking, for example weight losses of 4 kg in one week.
Those (and there are many) who are unable to lose weight a etto also undergoing a highly restrictive diets are amazed when reading such data.
These differences also feed misinformation: for instance, critics of the control of the calories often leads to weight loss as exceptional as evidence that the diet works, and a hypocaloric diet often do not get that performance was poor.
In fact, just be aware of how the human body to explain the failures as successes striking, as we will see that they are often not that the first step in the long path (perhaps) lead to the success or the achievement of weight.
The change in body weight is not due solely to the change in fat mass, but also to liquids, the muscle glycogen (and water, which binds to it), muscles and content of the intestine.
With these values we can easily play to lose weight fast ... But it worth it?
Just reduce the carbohydrates and eliminate the salt and lose weight quickly: already in the space of 3-4 days are lost 3 kg, of which approximately 500 of which were stored carbohydrate in muscles and liver, and 2.5 kg of water Extracellular which served to maintain constant the concentration of sodium.
If the diet is also calorie (and in general it is ... Otherwise, the diet is that these !?!?!), kg must be added also 0.5-1 kg of fat. Eating less means having the intestinal average vacuum ... Other 0.5 kg.
The result is the following: the loss of weight in the first week is exceptional, and can reach 4-5 kg!
Obviously a person who eats right and is salty overweight just a few kilograms not lose weight just as quickly ... However, this weight loss is totally fictitious. After the first week, you lose only the fat and, if the diet is too restrictive and without physical activity, including the muscles.
So, after the first week the rate of weight loss back to be 1 kg a week, and up to 2 only if the subject is overweight for many kg. Obviously, when the subject back to take a normal amount of salt and restores muscle glycogen, will recover at least 2-3 kg: for this reason, the initial rate of weight loss should be considered fictitious.
The data set out above, derived from theoretical considerations on human physiology, are confirmed by our experience.
There are people who get an actual weight loss of 2 kg for women and 3-4 kg for men, in two weeks.
Some males are overweight by more than 10 kg have lost weight very quickly in the first two weeks, some weight loss up to 7 kg and above all not taking more kg lost. These are exceptions, players supported by a very active part in the metabolism of fat mobilization in response to a lowering of calories. Beware, though: these are exceptional and should not think it can work with everyone.